Sabbatical Journey

Friday, February 17, 2012

What's happening since my latest blog in April 8, 2011

Boat Show at Lake Tahoe in late July 2011

Wooden boat show at Lake Tahoe with Maureen and Dana in late July 2011 Helena, Mom, Eliana, Terry, along with Michael and TJ

Family and friends enjoying a delicious meal, entertainment and companionship

Mom's 90th birthday celebration at St. Michael's parish - one week after family reunion; Terry, Mom and Sean Weathers

Sunday picnic at Lindgate park outside Kapaa

Bunda clan - brothers and sisters along with grandchildren; 3rd generation

Bunda banquet at Marriot's Hotel

Mom and Terry at Bunda reunion on Kauai in July 2011

Bunda family reunion on Kauai; Uncle Sandy and nieces celebrating at cuz's Carmen home

"the young and the restless" brothers Norm, Brandon, Brian, Ray and Dennis

Bro. Dennis, Fr. Paul, Bro. Jose along with Bro. Tom Jalbert in chapel

summer retreat at Vallombrosa, CA with Marianist brothers in June 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parish Happenings

Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes - erected on Holy Saturday Vigil at St. Anthony Church

First Jazz performance at Hard Rock Cafe in Lahaina

David Choy with Norm Franco at Hard Rock Cafe in Lahaina - Jazz Festival in April 16th

Farewell Fr. Jerry

Tribute of love by Lilia Koa for Fr. Jerry

Sending alohas and love - grade school students

Fr. Jerry's farewell on January 24, 2011 Fr. Jerry is greeted by Art Fillazar

Rowena and Herman Andaya along with Herman III at Sunday Eucharist

Les Yokote, Judy Yamanoe, and Debbie Yokote before tasting the delicacies at Misa de Gallo breakfast

Missa De Gallo Breakfast - some much delicious masalap food donated by parishioners

Mercedes Neri - active Filipino parishioners at St. Anthony parish

Kindergarten Alicia and Fr. Roland

Grade School Christmas program

Blessings to your hearts during this Easter season 2011 which we began last Sunday on April 24th. A lot has happened since I last wrote on my blog this past October; imagine six months ago. I was reminded to update my blog by one of our parishioners couple - Les and Debbie Yokote; their daughter Erin was inspirational in moving me to give you all a photo remembrance during the past six months here at the parish; I call it "Parish Happenings"

We begin with the season of Christmas with three of our parishioners at our Christmas Mass. Notice the Jesse tree filled with gifts for children most in need during this joyful season. The grade school Christmas program was one of the highlights anticipating this joyful season of Christmas.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happenings in October 2010

Photo of Iao Needle given to me by Bro. Tony Pre-School Children gathering - Halloween

Greetings from Wailuku, Maui on this October Autumn day. Photo of Iao Valley taken from my bedroom via the window and screen. On the left is our Thrift shop which opens Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. With the economy being what it is now we have quite a lot of people coming here to buy all kinds of house hold goods including clothes, shoes, pictures, benches, sofas, kitchen ware, etc. Parking lot is filled during the week and on Saturday and Sunday when we have Masses here at the parish. Iao Valley is located just 10 minutes from our Rectory and is a great tourist attraction; they will be charging a fee for automobiles and buses for the tourist; local residents are not subject to the fees entering the park.
This afternoon our pre-school children, ages 3 year old and 4 year old gathered at the rectory to sing couple of songs before "trick or treat". Our staff welcomed them and I gave out "goodies" to the children. This annual Halloween ritual is one of the highlights for the children before going home this weekend to join their families on Halloween night. Our teachers for the pre-school helped them with their baskets and pumpkins. More photos taken at the school.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Waihee Ridge Trail

Waihee Ridge Trail is one of the fascinating hikes here on Maui. It takes about two and half hours to reach the top of the trail with a beautiful view of Kahului Bay and the towns of Wailuku and Kahului. Fred Silvereis and I took a hike on Saturday afternoon. It has been over a year since I've been on this trail. It was a beautiful cloudy day when we began hiking up in the mountains seeing lots of waterfalls and water in the stream below the West Maui Montains. In the background is the famous Haleakala Mountains rising above the clouds at 10,023 feet above sea level. The West Maui Mountains and Haleakala Mountains act like a wind tunnel when airplanes approach the Kahului airport. It gets a little shaky when planes land at the airport with the winds howling in from the ocean. The Valley Isle - Maui gets its name from the valley between the West Maui Mountains and Haleakala. I would recommend this hike when visitors come over to Maui.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Roland Bunda with Norm Capinpin, novice from Ewa Beach, who is presently at the Marianist novitiate in Dayton, Ohio enjoying a moment of friendship

Lay Marianists from Ohio, Missouri, Texas,California, Indiana, Hawaii, New York during prayer gathering at Mystical Rose Chapel

Lay Marianist enjoying a meal together and conversations during the Assembly Marianists from Maui - clockwise, Rowena Enemoto, Tehani Shimabuku, Debbie Melton, Roland Bunda, Jim Vorndran, Gloria Dulay

Korean Lay Marianists

The eighth Lay Marianist Assembly gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii on July 22-25, 2010. Representatives from North America, including United States, Canada and Mexico were gathered with Lay Marianists from Korea (group picture in front of Mystical Rose Chapel). The liturgies were celebrated in English, Spanish, and Korean. There were 150 delegates including the staff and team from Honolulu lay Marianists. What a gathering to solidify our Marianist identity and mission throughout the world. Geographically, there are over 14,000 lay Marianists all over the world. This gathering was a glimpse of the charism of Fr. Chaminade to share partnership in mission with the Marianist Family and other persons to educate and form persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance justice, reconciliaton and the integrity of creation in our sociedty and in our Church. Representatives from the United States including AJ Wagner from Dayton, who is the representative of US and Isabelle Moyer, the International representative, who hails from Winnepeg, Canada gave a broad perspective to the Marianist gathering, the first one in Hawaii. Enclosed photos taken during this historical assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Vision 2020 - Louisville, KY

Fr. David Paul (St. Louis, MO) along with Bro. Jose DeGorio (Honolulu, HI) at the gathering of 307 religious Marianist in Louisville, KY on June 29-July 4, 2010. The gathering celebrated eight years of the United States Province which began in July 2002. The Marianist reflected and shared their Vision 2020 for the next ten years regarding life and mission in the Society of Mary.

To revitalize the apostolic mssion inherited from our Blessed Founder Chaminade for our time, the brothers and priests of the Marianist Province of the United Sates, commit themselves to be: faith-filled communities in mission, faithful witnesses to the charism of Blessed Chaminade and partners in mission with the Marianist Family and other persons to educate and form persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance justice, reconciliation and the integrity of creation in our society and in our Church. Areas of Focus centered on Communities, Vocations and formation, Sponsorsip, Partnership and collaboration, Lifelong ministry, Development, Leadership and Distincts and foundations of the Society of Mary.

Fruitful discussions followed reflections by members of the lay and religious Marianists. Several members of the laity were there to share their experiences collaborating with the brothers, sisters, and priests. It was a great opportunity for bonding, deepening friendships, and praying together as we shared common mission with apostolic imagination and daring to move into the future.

Roland waiting for the "fast ball" at the Louisville Slugger Museum - background with bats used at the World Series by the Phillies in the 2009 series with the Yankees.

Fr. Tim Kenny(St. Louis, MO) and Bro. Bob Hoppe (Honolulu, HI) celebrating during the closing dinner on Saturday night. Fr. Jerry Pleva (black aloha shirt from Wailuku, Maui) celebrating with Marianist brothers, sisters and priests.

Closing Liturgy at Marianist gathering in Louisville, KY with Fr. Marty Solma, newly elected Provincial of the Provinceof the United States, assisted by Fr. Jim Tobin.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Class '60 Reunion

George Karonis, chair and committee member, makes the announcement -our class raised $170,000 for the school; the largest donation from any graduating class from St. Louis School.
David Silva, Roland Bunda, Eddie Hayashi and Richard Chang "displaying their Class shirt, medallion, and traditonal red and blue leis. "

Classmates: Ronald Kunihiro, Mike Adair, Stanford Yuen, Marion Magruder, Roland Bunda, and George Karonis before the Graduation Exercise at Blaisdell Arena

Class of 1960 at the Graduation Exercises held at the Blaisdell Arena - "still young and rascal"

Fr. Roland receiving his 50th class "Golden Diploma" at the Luau held at the St. Louis Alumni Clubhouse in Honolulu; Dr. Walter Kirimitsu, president of St. Louis, presented diplomas to the Class of '60 after the Graduation Exercises. There were 45 classmates who attended the graduation at the Blaisdell Arena that afternoon.We were given the tradional red and blue lei and a golden medallion besides our diplomas. Prior to the Graduation at Blaisdell there were eight activities held over five days beginning on May 25 through May 29; the highlight being the Graduation of the Class of 2010. We began the festivities with "stag night" on Tuesday, May 25 followed by a tour of China town and luncheon on Wednesday followed by Baccalaureate Mass on campus with the class of 2010; later that night we went to Aloha Tower for dinner and to listen and dance to the music of the 60's at Don Ho's restaurant. On Thursday, we participated in a tour of Pearl Harbor followed by Chinese dinner at the Golden Palace. Friday was the golf tournament at Olamana golf course followed by the nineteenth hole at St. Louis Alumni clubhouse - time to eat ono food and "brag" about our scores and win money for birdies, closest to the pin and low gross. Overall, it was a memorable time for all of us as we gathered to reconnect and share stories of our journeys since graduating from school in 1960. Lots of laughs, stories, ono grinds, beer, singing our Alma Mater and conversations - "talk stories" of the good ole times. The best is yet to come.