Sabbatical Journey

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Vision 2020 - Louisville, KY

Fr. David Paul (St. Louis, MO) along with Bro. Jose DeGorio (Honolulu, HI) at the gathering of 307 religious Marianist in Louisville, KY on June 29-July 4, 2010. The gathering celebrated eight years of the United States Province which began in July 2002. The Marianist reflected and shared their Vision 2020 for the next ten years regarding life and mission in the Society of Mary.

To revitalize the apostolic mssion inherited from our Blessed Founder Chaminade for our time, the brothers and priests of the Marianist Province of the United Sates, commit themselves to be: faith-filled communities in mission, faithful witnesses to the charism of Blessed Chaminade and partners in mission with the Marianist Family and other persons to educate and form persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance justice, reconciliation and the integrity of creation in our society and in our Church. Areas of Focus centered on Communities, Vocations and formation, Sponsorsip, Partnership and collaboration, Lifelong ministry, Development, Leadership and Distincts and foundations of the Society of Mary.

Fruitful discussions followed reflections by members of the lay and religious Marianists. Several members of the laity were there to share their experiences collaborating with the brothers, sisters, and priests. It was a great opportunity for bonding, deepening friendships, and praying together as we shared common mission with apostolic imagination and daring to move into the future.

Roland waiting for the "fast ball" at the Louisville Slugger Museum - background with bats used at the World Series by the Phillies in the 2009 series with the Yankees.

Fr. Tim Kenny(St. Louis, MO) and Bro. Bob Hoppe (Honolulu, HI) celebrating during the closing dinner on Saturday night. Fr. Jerry Pleva (black aloha shirt from Wailuku, Maui) celebrating with Marianist brothers, sisters and priests.

Closing Liturgy at Marianist gathering in Louisville, KY with Fr. Marty Solma, newly elected Provincial of the Provinceof the United States, assisted by Fr. Jim Tobin.