September 11 was the feast day of Holy Trinity; our last Newman Mass on campus. It was great to celebrate Eucharist with many of our former Newman students, friends and students present for this Mass. After Mass we had a great social with lots of food and drink and time to socialize. It was also a time to say goodbye to many students who are moving on; either graduating or moving to another school in the Fall. It was great to see Joel-Henry; he played the drums for our Mass which enhanced our music. This week the students are having their exams until Thursday. Baccalaureate Mass is scheduled for Friday at the Newman Center with graduations on Saturday and Sunday
About Me
- Name: Fr. Roland Bunda, S.M.
- Location: Santa Cruz, California, United States
I'm completing ten years of campus ministry at Santa Cruz. I will be going on Sabbatical beginning in Rome, Italy. After my journeys to Italy, I will be visiting our Marianist brothers in the Phillipines and later friends in Australia, then back to California. In February I will begin my second part of my Sabbatical in Sangre, New Mexico. In May/June I hope to process my Sabbatical in California. After the Marianist Assembly in Arizona, I will begin full time ministry in July 2007 at one of our Marianist parishes. I began my new ministry at St. Anthony's parish in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii in July 2007 as Pastor of the parish.
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