Sabbatical Journey

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Recuperating from Bike Accident

It has been over two weeks since my bicycle accident having broken my right collar bone. Been seeing several doctors regarding my recovery; chiropractor, accupunturist, bone specialist, and my regular doctor. I've taken so many pills these days too. Anyway, I'm taking it easy and going very slowly these days of healing. Thanks to many friends and family members who have been so supportive. My sister Eileen came down from Seattle to be with me; she's a blessing having cooked, washed, cleaned, and driving me to my doctors. It was great to be able to bond with my sister too and show her around Santa Cruz and meeting several friends for dinner. She left on Sunday, July 23 for Seattle. Bro. David is schedule to come home after a month away on Wednesday. Have lots of stories to tell him about my adventures here in Santa Cruz.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sabbatical off to a "running start"

To create balance in my life I rode my bicycle on Sunday, July 9th to Wilder's Ranch. Coming down the hill on the bike path I encounter two people on their bicycles coming up the hill; not being of sound mind and body, I came down too fast. Behold gravity took over and I crash after swerving to get out of their way. I don't remember what happen after that incident; woke up in the ambulance with a broken collar bone and was hospitalized at Dominican Hospital for the night. I was released from the hospital on Monday, July 10th; am home now recuperating from the accident; have seen my doctor and will see collar bone specialist on July 19th for further examination. Keep me in your prayers for healing.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July Celebration

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Marianist Retreat

I began my annual retreat on June 26 at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, California with our Marianist brothers and priests; theme for the retreat - Fr. Chaminade and charism. Weather was great and Center is very pleasant for prayer, reflection and reading. Thirty Marianists from all over the States are here including a Marianist brother from India. We had our concluding Mass this evening with the renewal of vows. Final party tonight for two of our brothers who are celebrating their Jubilees; Bro. Joseph Nuuanu from Hawaii - 50 years of profession and Fr. Ray Middendorf from Florida - 60 years of profession. Retreat ends on Sunday after our prayer and lunch.