Sabbatical Journey

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Aloha from Australia. Arrived here in Sydney on Sunday January 7th after traveling from Davao City, Manila, and Hong Kong. What a blessing to be here in Australia after my sabbatical experiences in Italy and visiting our Marianist brothers in the Philippines. Australia reminds me of Hawaii with its beautiful beaches, bays, mountains, and hills. Here in Newcastle which is situated about two hours drive from the city of Sydney reminds me both of Hawaii and California; the beaches and bays of Hawaii along with the rolling hills and the mountains and vineyards of California. Sr. Monica, a sister of Mercy, whom I met at St. Louis University at the Institute of Religious Formation in 1978, is showing me around Australia. We will also have a mini-reunion with Srs. Eleanor and Kathleen from Perth in Sydney. It will be great to reminisce about our time in St. Louis. Yesterday we visited Shoal Bay and vicinity and even climbed up Mount Tomaree.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Davao City, Philippines

After spending three months in Italy during my sabbatical program and visiting Rome after the renewal program I left Rome the day after Christmas for Davao City, Philippines via Hong Kong and Manila. I have been here in Mindanao eight years ago and it was a delightful experience being back in the Philippines. Bro. Richard Joyal met me at the airport and we took the taxi to Davao City just in time for Bishop Fernando's Christmas party. It was a great time meeting many of the religious ministering in the Diocese of Davao City. It is amazing having so many religious brothers and sisters here in this Catholic city of Davao. There are seventeen million people here in the Island of Mindanao and fifteen million people are Catholic. There's a misconception in the United States that the image of Mindanao is heavily Moslems; just the opposite, this is truly a Catholic country. Attending Mass on New Year's Eve was an inspiring experience to witness so many young people with their families. Everyone sings at the liturgies both in English and in Visayan. Archbishop Fernando whom I met during my visit here mentioned to me that there are twenty-two bishops here on the Island of Mindanao. It has been an enriching time for me meeting so many of the young priests here in the Diocese. Our Marianist community here is a beautiful witness of different enthic religious ministering to the kids on streets and to the community of Davao City. Bro. Richard Joyal, the Director of Balay Pasilungan, hails from Canada. Bro. Oscar Kerketta comes from India, Bro. Roberto, 2nd year novice is from Los Angeles, Fr. Pablo comes from Spain and Noel is a local Filipino who is a contact considering Marianist religious life; there will be two local Filipinos coming to Davao City to begin their Aspirancy year. All of the Marianist are involved in the Balay Pasilungan program and activities. Bro. Jose and I are enjoying our visit to Davao City experiencing the richness and warmth of the Filipino people and culture.