Sabbatical Journey

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

St. Damien Celebration

Bishop Larry Silva and servers get ready to begin the celebration at St. Damien celebration
Uluwehi Guerrero chant one of the songs at the Mass

Clergy at the Celebration of St. Damien at the War Memorial Gym

Fathers Roland and Efren Thomas along with Deacon Bissen. Fr. Damien of Molokai was canonized a saint by Pope Benedict in Rome on October 11 of this year. There were over 600 people from Hawaii that attended this historical moment along with eleven patient from Kalaupapa, Molokai where Fr. Damien ministered to the lepers for sixteen years he died of leprosy on April 15, 1889. Here at St. Anthony Church we were blessed to have his first class relic here for four hours on October 24th. We begin this vigil with Mass at 5:00 p.m. followed by silence, quiet prayer and meditation. Our parishioners were able to approach the koa box that contained the relics and offer prayers. Later, the recitation of the rosary and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy were celebrated. The next day parishioners around the Island of Maui celebrated a Mass in the Memorial Gym with Bishop Larry Silva presided along with fouteen priests and five deacons from Maui.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

September Vacation

Wine tasting at Jefferson Winery with Serg, Sr. Kathleen, and Judy
Dinner with Serg at The Tombs at Georgetown University; local student hangout

Thomas Jefferson home at Monticello, Virginia

Sentry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery

Cousin Titing Rubio and Roland at Angel Park golf course in Sumerland, Nevada

Baby Suzy with Mom Joy and Jen along with Grace and father Richard

Archbishop Mitty HS Girls' Volleyball team; # 1 in the nation

Dinner with friends in San Jose; Steve Gray, Lucille Mazzeo, Jen and Jim Garvy, and Antoinette and Dave Gray

Golfing with Rudy Quijance at DeLaveaga Park in Santa Cruz, California

Leavenworth -up in the Cascade mountians of Washington

Eileen with Marilee and Fred Slusser at Index, WA

View of Emerald Lake at Lake Tahoe.

What an incredible vacation and meeting with friends, family, and our Marianist brothers during this past month of September. Rounding off such pleasant memories, I had a wonderful time in Washington DC with Judy and Serge along with Sr. Kathleen at the Jefferson Winery sipping wine and tasting delicious cheese after visiting Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, and winery at the end of September. This vacation began on September 1st when I left Maui for San Jose via Hawaiian Airlines to Honolulu, Los Angeles, then to San Jose. Great visit with Sr. Marcia at Mission San Jose, then visit with Bill Littell in Santa Cruz to pick up my golf clubs, then an exciting trip to Lake Tahoe. On Labor Day, I went to Seattle to visit my sister Eileen and family. One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Index to visit one of our parishioners, Fred and Marilee Slusser, who have a home along the Sykomish river. Then a delightful trip to Leavenworth, Washington - quaint German Baravian village up in the Cascade mountains of Washington. Back to San Francisco, then to Menlo Park for our annual Marianist provincial chapter meetings on Strategic planning. Later, a week in Cupertino visiting our brothers at the Care Center and visiting friends in the Santa Clara and Santa Cruz areas. Lots of time for hikes up at Rancho Park, reading, golf, prayer, meals with our brothers, and friends from the past. One highlight of my visit was seeing Archbishop Mitty High School; watched the girls volleyball team at their host tournament; imagine, seven seniors going to a Division 1 school with full scholarship. Mitty girls team is # 1 in the country and they proved it by winning their tournament that weekend. Over that weekend, I drove to southern California to visit our Marianist brothers at West Hills and presided at the baptism of Suzy Shah, the second daughter of Kishal and Joy Shah. Later that Sunday evening I had dinner with our Bunda family at a Chinese restaurant in Torrance; all you can eat and enjoy. The next day I drove to Las Vegas to visit my cousins; great times of golfing, visiting the casinos where I donate money - you can't win there, but to have fun. Great reunion with my cousins; lots of sharing, food, and conversation. Drove back to Los Angeles, then to San Jose, then off to Washington DC for my final three nights visit with Judy, Serge and Sr. Kath. Fond memories captured by these photos. Left for Maui on September 30th after a memorable and delightful trip to the mainland.