Sabbatical Journey

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Waihee Ridge Trail

Waihee Ridge Trail is one of the fascinating hikes here on Maui. It takes about two and half hours to reach the top of the trail with a beautiful view of Kahului Bay and the towns of Wailuku and Kahului. Fred Silvereis and I took a hike on Saturday afternoon. It has been over a year since I've been on this trail. It was a beautiful cloudy day when we began hiking up in the mountains seeing lots of waterfalls and water in the stream below the West Maui Montains. In the background is the famous Haleakala Mountains rising above the clouds at 10,023 feet above sea level. The West Maui Mountains and Haleakala Mountains act like a wind tunnel when airplanes approach the Kahului airport. It gets a little shaky when planes land at the airport with the winds howling in from the ocean. The Valley Isle - Maui gets its name from the valley between the West Maui Mountains and Haleakala. I would recommend this hike when visitors come over to Maui.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Roland Bunda with Norm Capinpin, novice from Ewa Beach, who is presently at the Marianist novitiate in Dayton, Ohio enjoying a moment of friendship

Lay Marianists from Ohio, Missouri, Texas,California, Indiana, Hawaii, New York during prayer gathering at Mystical Rose Chapel

Lay Marianist enjoying a meal together and conversations during the Assembly Marianists from Maui - clockwise, Rowena Enemoto, Tehani Shimabuku, Debbie Melton, Roland Bunda, Jim Vorndran, Gloria Dulay

Korean Lay Marianists

The eighth Lay Marianist Assembly gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii on July 22-25, 2010. Representatives from North America, including United States, Canada and Mexico were gathered with Lay Marianists from Korea (group picture in front of Mystical Rose Chapel). The liturgies were celebrated in English, Spanish, and Korean. There were 150 delegates including the staff and team from Honolulu lay Marianists. What a gathering to solidify our Marianist identity and mission throughout the world. Geographically, there are over 14,000 lay Marianists all over the world. This gathering was a glimpse of the charism of Fr. Chaminade to share partnership in mission with the Marianist Family and other persons to educate and form persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance justice, reconciliaton and the integrity of creation in our sociedty and in our Church. Representatives from the United States including AJ Wagner from Dayton, who is the representative of US and Isabelle Moyer, the International representative, who hails from Winnepeg, Canada gave a broad perspective to the Marianist gathering, the first one in Hawaii. Enclosed photos taken during this historical assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii.