Sabbatical Journey

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happenings in October 2010

Photo of Iao Needle given to me by Bro. Tony Pre-School Children gathering - Halloween

Greetings from Wailuku, Maui on this October Autumn day. Photo of Iao Valley taken from my bedroom via the window and screen. On the left is our Thrift shop which opens Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. With the economy being what it is now we have quite a lot of people coming here to buy all kinds of house hold goods including clothes, shoes, pictures, benches, sofas, kitchen ware, etc. Parking lot is filled during the week and on Saturday and Sunday when we have Masses here at the parish. Iao Valley is located just 10 minutes from our Rectory and is a great tourist attraction; they will be charging a fee for automobiles and buses for the tourist; local residents are not subject to the fees entering the park.
This afternoon our pre-school children, ages 3 year old and 4 year old gathered at the rectory to sing couple of songs before "trick or treat". Our staff welcomed them and I gave out "goodies" to the children. This annual Halloween ritual is one of the highlights for the children before going home this weekend to join their families on Halloween night. Our teachers for the pre-school helped them with their baskets and pumpkins. More photos taken at the school.