Sabbatical Journey

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas in Rome

Buon Natale from Roma. I'm here at our Marianist General Administration and Seminary for the rest of the Advent season after the sabbatical program in Manziana. I will be celebrating Christmas with our seminarians and brothers here at the GA. It is a blessing being here in Rome and experiencing the sounds and sights of the city during this holiday season. Walking around the city and seeing all the holiday lights and colors of the season heightens my awareness of Rome in its busyness during this time of the year. Visiting many basilicas and churches makes me aware of the true spirit of Christmas; Christ coming into our lives and being thankful for God's gift of life to each one of us. What a place to be grateful and thankful for all the blessings in our lives.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Festival at Manziana

We completed the renewal program this afternoon with a festive Eucharist and Pranzo (main meal) here at Manziana. It was a joyous ocassion where we reminise and gave thanks for the wonderful eight weeks here at the sabbatical program. After the Mass we had a delicious meal with shrimp cocktails and wine before dinner. Pork with potatoes and carrots were the entree for dinner. After dinner drinks we were entertained by two of the Marist brothers who hosted "Emmy Awards" here at the renewal program. It was a fun time and lots of laughter and dancing as we enjoyed the stories and humor during our time here. The Marianists won top honors "using the computers" during most of their free time. Other awards went to the brothers who slept during the presentations, travel the farthest from Manziana,and sang the loudest during Mass. Many of the brothers will be leaving Manziana early tomorrow morning. We give thanks for each other presence and blessings to one another for a safe journey home.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Farewell to Manziana

This is the last week of the renewal program here in Manziana. We completed a three day retreat this evening facilitated by Fr. Tony McSweeney from Rome. Fr. Tony gave us the last session on the Eucharist and concluded a three day retreat with Holy Hour and Benediction. It was a fitting way to gather and pray during these days of integrating our eight weeks here at the renewal program. Two of the Marist brothers have left for Malaysia. Most of the brothers will be leaving on Sunday morning after our closing Eucharist and dinner on Saturday afternoon. They will be going back to their communities in South Africa, Sri Lankra, Ireland, Australia and the United States. All of us leave with lots of pleasant memories of our time together. We leave with a little more knowledge and experiences of living religious life with better clarity as we continue our life and mission. Personally I found this renewal program very nourishing and nuturing in my life at this stage of my life of 45 years both as a brother and priest in the Society of Mary. Even though I was the only priest in the program I have experienced the friendship and companionship of journeying together as brothers. Sharing my life with the brothers in large and small groups, table conversatons, and pilgrimages and other recreational times have been enriching for me. Discovering and sharing the richness of each other ministries especially the Marist missionary works have broaden my perspective of ministry and Church. During our Marianists pilgrimage to Bordeaux, Perigueux, Mussidan, Trenquelleon, Agen, Verdelais, Le Pian-Medoc and Saragossa, I have come to appreciate the roots and origins of our Marianist family. The brothers at Bordeaux, Saragossa, and San Sebastian have extended their hospitality which deepend my sense of our brotherhood in the Society of Mary. I am so grateful to have this time for prayer, reflection, reading, writing, and deepening my life as a Marianist.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Advent Season in Manziana

We are winding down the renewal program here in Manziana. It has been a great experience being with the Marist brothers and sharing with them our charism of Fr. Chaminade. I have learned a lot of their spirituality and charism of Fr. Champanat. These past three days have been retreat days integrating our experiences during the past eight weeks that we have been here. Besides all the sessions on Church, Eucharist, 3rd Age spirituality, Health issues, charism on our founders, reign of God,etc, we have had lots of sharing both formally and informally during small groups and during our free time. Going on pilgrimages to Assisi and Subiaco besides visiting our founder's historical sites in France and Spain has been an enriching and nourishing experiences. Walking downtown Manziana for a cup of tea or cafe latte or on our way to train station has been memorable and fun for all of us. Photo taken at night in Manziana.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Subiaco, Italy

This Monday morning we journeyed to Subiaco to visit the historical site of St. Benedict. There are two monasteries there at the present time. St. Benedict monastery and the monastery which Benedict founded - the monastery of St. Scholastica. One of the Benedictine monks gave us a tour of St. Benedict monastery taking us at different levels of the monastery; they are beautiful mosaics from the 12th and 14th centuries depicting the life of Christ, Blessed Mother and scenes from the life of Benedict. We celebrated Mass in the lower chapel and visited the Sacro Speco - the Holy Grotto where St. Benedict spent three years in prayer and solitude.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Advent

Blessings to your heart as we begin this season of Advent on Sunday, December 3rd. I hope all of you have a wonderful Advent and Christmas season. Here in Manziana we began this season with prayerful reflection this morning and a rite of Reconciliation this evening. It was good to prepare for this season of hope and joyful expectation of Jesus in our lives. Be assured of my prayers for all of you as you enter this season. May the Lord guide you on your journey of faith with Mary as our guide and model of prayer and hope.

Pilgrimage to Assisi

This past week we went to the town of Assisi on our pilgrimage to the historical and religious sites of St. Francis and St. Clare. It took three hours by bus to travel to Assisi. After checking into the hostel staffed by the Franciscan sisters we visited the Basilica of the Angels where the Porziuncula is located within the Basilica. It was an impressive sight seeing the place where St. Francis died and area where his early companions resided during their formative years. We also visited the Cathedral of St. Clare where she is buried. The cross that St. Francis prayed while in Assisi is also located there; he received his vocation to "build God's Church" while praying at this same cross. At that time St. Francis thought that the Lord meant to repair San Damiano's Church, but later realized that God was calling him to rebuild the Church of Italy; God's people. That he set out to do detaching himself from his earthly possessions and living a life of poverty. Later, that evening we celebrated Mass in the Basilica of the Angels. The following day we took a walking tour of the city beginning at the Cathedral where Francis and Clare were baptized. Also walked down to the Basilica of St. Francis where we celebrated Mass in the lower Church.