Sabbatical Journey

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


After spending the first half of my sabbatical in Europe, Philippines, and Australia, I came back to the United States on January 27, 2007 from Sydney, Australia. I arrived in San Francisco in the afternoon on that same day. Spent the weekend at our Cupertino residence and sharing my sabbatical experiences with our brothers at the Villa and San Juan Community. Later that week I went to Santa Cruz and stayed at the Newman Center. That Monday evening I attended the Vesper service for the new Bishop of Monterey. Bishop Richard Garcia was installed the following day in Monterey; what an impressive and memorable event for the Diocese of Monterey. It was great to see many of my friends, religious sisters and brothers and diocesan priest at the Installation and the reception after the ceremony. During the week I had an opportunity to visit my local dentist and doctor and check up on my health; my doctor gave me a clean bill of health along with my chiropractor and massage therapist - you may recall that I injured my right collar bone after my bike accident in July 2006. It was great spending time with friends in Santa Cruz and sharing my Sabbatical journeys. On Sunday after the Super Bowl, I concelebrated Mass on the UC - Santa Cruz campus with Fr. James. Great seeing many of the students at Mass and reception. Then I headed back to Cupertino where I left for Albuquerque, New Mexico the following morning to begin the 2nd half of my sabbatical at Sangre de Cristo located in the mountains of Sangre seven miles north of Santa Fe.