Sabbatical Journey

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Last Week at Sangre Center

Fr. Roland is "blessed among women" at Sangre Center; left to right - Sr. Ann from Australia, Sr. Joanne from Nairobi, Kenya, Sr. Bernadette from England, Sr. Marion from Sydney, Australia and Sr. Margaret from Belen, New Mexico.
Festive meal after our social prepared by several members of our Sangre community. Frs. Ray, and Jack along with Bro. Dennis and Sr. Helen are filling their plates with the chicken and ham along with bread and salad.

After Eucharist we had a social before our festive meal. Gathering around the table - Fr. Rudy from Costa Rica, Sr. Susan, staff member, Fr. Ray from Rhode Island, Fr. Roland from Santa Cruz, California, Fr. Jack from Philadelphia, and Sr. Margaret from Belen, New Mexico

After the presentation of the gifts , we gathered around the altar to celebrate the liturgy of the Eucharist. It was so fitting to celebrate and offer thanks for these past three and half months being here at Sangre de Cristo Center. We leave this place full of thanks and gratitude.

Blessings to your hearts. Well, this is the last week before all of us depart for our religious communities or parishes. We will be leaving Sangre next week on May 15th. During this week we are having sessions of refocusing on our sabbatical program. We began the closure events with Eucharist on Sunday. Photo on the right is taken during Mass this past Sunday. Fr. Tim, campus minister at Syracuse University in New York, was the main celebrant and homilists. He sang the Eucharistic prayer which was very inspiring and prayerful.