Sabbatical Journey

Monday, August 28, 2006

Farewell to Hawaii

I left Hawaii last Tuesday morning on August 22nd; it has been a been a fantastic
time participating in the family reunion and enjoying all the stories and adventures of the family. One of the highlight of my trip was a visit to the Island of Kauai. Of course there were many family gatherings with lots of stories and food. I must have eaten my way to Hawaii enjoying the Filipino, Hawaiian, Chinese and Korean foods.We had a great five day Bunda reunion filled with lots of music, dance, stories, and conversation. Enjoyed Mom's home cooking and family delicacies too.
My broken collar bone is healing slowly and it feels great to be able to swim again. Took advantage of the great weather to go to the beach for rest and relaxation. Visited the Marianist brothers in Honolulu for three days. While I was there I was able to assist my niece Missy around Chaminade campus along with Krista from Corralitos near Santa Cruz. Great to see her Mom Laureen along with her other daughter Julia. Showed them around the Island including the Pali lookout. Later that weekend I went to Kapolei for a one year old birthday party for my grandchild's son Deric. Afterwards, visited my Aunt Baling for a house blessing. So I came home filled with lots of great memories and stories of Hawaii and our families.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Mom's surgery lst anniversary

On Wednesday, August 16, Mom celebrated one year anniversary of her valve replacement surgery. She is really grateful and thankful for recovering after her surgery last August. We gathered as a family to celebrate her special day of healing and recovery at a Chinese restaurant in Kapolei. Eileen and Brandon from Seattle were there along with their son Sean and his son Brenden. Terry and Timmy were there too along with their son Jon Michael and his wife, Jaycee and two sons, Jorden and Jakie and daughter Missy and her twin daughters, Asia and Kiana. Patrick was able to make it too, but Michael was not able to make it for the dinner due to his sickness over the weekend. Mom's sister Mingay and her family were there too. We thank the Lord for Mom's good health and were grateful that all of us were able to support her during her recovery.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bunda reunion - Aug '06

Saturday was the gathering at Waimea Canyon with family members; there were over 220 members of our four families; Bunda, Izon, Crisostomo and Suarez. Lot of entertainment and food too. "Our younger generation" was in charge of the program including lots of Hawaiian song and dance, opera singer, uke players, hiphop dances; my sibblings and I sang a Filipino song - Ikau praising God and our love for God and for one another. After five hours of festivities we completed the 2nd phase of our family reunion.

On Sunday we had a Mass at the beach followed by picnic with games and swim at the beach. Great time for bonding with many of our family members. In the evening many of the family celebrated dinner at the condos, hotel or at home. Our family gathered at Mom and had a BBQ for dinner.

Monday was the annual golf tournament; I wasn't able to play golf and was the "official photographer" with my digital camera and camcorder. It was fun buzzing around the golf course with my cart and encouraging the golfers. After the golf we had lunch. My sibblings and I checked into Turtle Bay Resort for a day and enjoyed swimming at the pool, relaxing followed by dinner.

Checking our today, the 15th of August, on this feast of the Assumption. We are having Mass at Mom, followed by a family meeting and dinner.

Bunda Reunion

We began our Bunda family reunion on Friday, August 11 at Uncle Ronald's recreation room with family members coming in from across the United States. There were 150 family members coming together to share stories and enjoy Hawaiian and Filipino hospitality.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Visit to the Island of Kauai

I went to the Island of Kauai to celebrate my cousin's daughter's graduation party over the weekend. Family members came in from Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Honolulu, and Phoenix. It was great seeing our family together to celebrate Calah's graduation. We had so many parties and gatherings - look like we ate and drank all weekend. On Sunday we had a great time on the catamaran cruise to the Napali coastline; awesome sights and sounds of the Island. We had a nice treat before lunch; many of us went snorkling off the coast. Went snorkling even with my broken collar bone too. We also toured the "Grand Canyon" of Hawaii - Waimea canyon on Saturday which was a blessing too. Left the Island of Kauai for Oahu on Monday.Most of our family members have left the Island of Kauai for our family reunion which begins on August 11 - Thursday and ends on Monday, August 14th. We are expecting about 250 family members for all these events. Besides our family members coming to Kauai many more are expected today and tomorrow for the Bunda/Izon/Soares/Crisostomo family reunion. "The younger generation" will be taking responsibility for the events during this reunion which is the fifth one since 1986.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Visit to Hawaii

I'm here in Hawaii visiting my family and planning to attend our Bunda family reunion during the second week of August. I left San Francisco on August 1 and arrived here in Hawaii on Tuesday morning. It feels great to be here recuperating from my bike accident. My right collar bone is getting healed very slowly too. I still feel the pain from my bike accident with swollen right hip and sprained right wrist too. Will be traveling to the Island of Kauai this weekend for my cousin's daughter graduation party with many relatives. Hawaii is having great weather and it is great being home and enjoying Mom's home cooking too. Pictures taken at Mom's place in Waialua.