Sabbatical Journey

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Marianist Seminarians

This evening at our Eucharist three Marianist brothers were officially initiated into the Seminary. They received a candle from the Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Lorenzo Amigo, and his assistant rector, Bro. Timothy Phillips after the homily during the Eucharist. Bros. Sudhir Kujur from India, Stephen Wanyoike from Kenya and Mario Clevera from Spain were welcomed to the Seminary community. After a festive dinner the seminarians gathered in the palor to continue the celebration with slides showing the three seminarians and their former ministries along with their family/relatives. Song and dance followed the presentation along with a social. Laughter and fun games united the seminarians in fellowship and brotherhood. The Seminarians will begin their classes at four different seminaries here in Rome; Angelicum seminary teaches classes in English while the Gregorium teaches classes in Italian and Latin.